Embracing My Skin: A Journey of Self-Love and Empowerment
Hello, I'm Jena—yes, like "Damn, Jena!" I’m a black, single mom, who is also an empowerment photographer in Idaho. Idaho is a state where less than 1% of the population is black, AKA looks like me. Growing up here was tough. I was continuously reminded that I was different. My black skin was never acknowledged in a positive way; instead it was something I was teased for. I don’t quite know how to explain how it feels to not see people who look like you while you were growing up. I didn’t see myself in my peers, in my family, let alone depicted in a positive way in any media growing up.
The Impact of Visibility
As a child, the lack of representation hurt, but it wasn't until I was older that I realized the true impact it had on my self esteem and how I saw my own self. It was hard to feel beautiful and worthy when you're never told you so, or when you never saw anyone who looks like you being celebrated in society… or by your family or by your peers. That realization hit hard, and it started me on a path to discover my true self and to learn more about self-love. This journey down this path has had its up and downs but has been more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.
Discovering Photography as a Tool for Empowerment
There were many healing tools I used on my self love journey, one main one for me was photography. Photography became my tool, my mirror to see myself in so many new ways—powerful, sexy, and in control of the narrative. It allowed me to highlight my dark skin, powerful curves and embrace the true body positivity I needed as a black woman. What started as a personal exploration of my body, soon revealed a universal need of many other women: others were also struggling to love what they saw in the mirror because of what they have seen and were told throughout their lives.
Changing the Narrative
I want to start seeing the media celebrate more skin tones and bigger bodies in everyday life. Imagine seeing a fat black woman living life, chasing joy, being loved by others, and celebrated for it! That's the world I want to photograph, the world I want to live in. In each of my sessions at Soulful Notions, I strive to provide a unique, customized experience that highlights where each client is on their own self-love journey. We sit down and plan it all together, we create the vision and we make magic!
A Little Piece of Advice
If you’re on this journey too, please start with grace and kindness towards yourself. Try not to say anything about yourself that you wouldn't say to your best friend. You should aim to treat yourself at least as well as you treat the ones you love. The love and acceptance start with you—but I am here to help!
Through my lens, I’ve seen the transformative power of seeing oneself in a new light. I’ve watched clients walk away with not just photos, but a new perspective on who they are and who they want to be. I also get filled with so much joy and honor with each transformation I get to be apart of.
Join the Movement
I’ve learned that loving myself loudly and unapologetically every moment is not just necessary, it’s revolutionary. If you’re ready to start seeing yourself in a new light, or just need a little encouragement on your journey, let’s connect. Your story is powerful, your beauty is real, and your journey is worth celebrating!
-Jena (Your Hype-Woman)